In response to our post below about Jessica Alba’s ass, Pimpin Polye$ter P writes:
Aight now I have to pin a ribon on yall for bringin us pics of the hottest bitch in Hollywood. Fuck all that Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton and Kristen Dunst sh!t. I got better hoes on 4 corners playin connect the twats than these skinny coke heads. (props to that kid Muska for hittin that bitch Paris though)
Jessica Alba is a dime no question. Them lips are on some Anglina Jolie level, she could swallow my kids any day. She just needs to step her ass game up though. Feed this bitch some corn bread or somethin and get that shit plump a la Vida Guerrera.
Matter fact yall fools need to step ya game and post some exclusive Vida pics. Get on ya grind, Poly aint feelin the Hollywood Ethiopia leaugue hoes, put some meat in it like you mean it biiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatch !
All I have to say is: Booyah!
Vida Guerra pics (hi-res) and video (quicktime) after the jump
And the piece-de-resistance, a video of Vida in the tub with what appears to be the Drunken Stepfather himself.
The clip is on RapidShare, so you need to wait about 35 seconds to download it.