I am – Prison Rape Survivor

When I was in jail, I never saw any of this type of shit. So I don’t know what these people are talking about. I have a feeling they are just closet case business men, who have a nice wife and kid at home, a mini-van and a 2 car garage. I have a feeling that this is just their dirty little fantasies, something that gives them a little homosexual flavor without having to actually admit to themselves that they are poofters…you know what I am saying. These are the kind of guys who go to gay bath houses late at night and let gay men stick it to them, but they aren’t gay…..or these are actually prison rape victims, in that case, very disturbing shit goes down in lockdown.

Some quotes and a link to the site after the jump – this shit is hardcore and not for the faint of heart…

Imagine if you will showering where homosexual act routinely occur as male and female guards watch with enjoyment. Then, one day your grabbed by several men, beaten and gang raped

Imagine if you will being awakened by a psycho-sexual killer running into your cell and placing a pad lock on the door and starts strangling you, despite the kicks and punches against him, his strength and rage is unbelievable so you “play dead” and he then pulls your underwear off and starts to suck on, what he believes is a corpse when the guards approach, yelling for him to stop. The pad lock is jammed so they have to run to the Control Center to get authorization to bring bolt cutters in, all the while he starts pounding on your body.

Dennis Robert Lucey 171610

1727 West Bluewater Hwy.

Ionia, Michigan 48846

Even women get raped…

After coming to his office upon request the sexual assaults started to take place. I was ordered to perform oral sex on him as well as having sex with him right in his office in unit g

-Geneva Bell

Rape is a weapon of Harm….

My rape took place very shortly after arriving at a county jail. It took place in a shower with no staff around. I was a pre-trial detainee at the time. I had never been in a jail before and I had come in with an injury to my side so I was not expecting it. The rape resulted in a life-long disease – Herpes II


A threeway rape got this dude hard….

The first time I went to jail I was 18 years old. I had gone AWOL from the navy, was living with 3 prostitutes, and befriended an older Marine. The Marine and I decided to pull an armed robbery of a small convenience store

The first night I was approached by 3 men. Two of them were about my size and the third was about 20 pounds and 6 inches smaller. They asked who I was and what I was in for. I told them and then one of them asked if I had ever been fucked. I said “no and I wasn’t planning on it “he said “we’re going to fuck you”. l was filled with fear like I had never felt before.

When I woke I was on my stomach, my pants had been pulled off, my legs were spread wide apart with one guy sitting on each leg and the other guy laying on my back. The guy on top was slapping me awake and said I want you to feel this. He proceeded to drive his cock deep into my butt. I had never felt such pain and tried to get away. They held me in such a way I knew they had done this to someone before. He fucked me for what seemed like forever and then came in me. Then he switched places with another one, and all three raped me.

After shaving they told me I was going to give them all head. I didn’t want to and resisted. I said “please don’t make me do this. I couldn’t imagine sucking a mans cock!! I was slapped and my head was forced down to the first guys cock by my hair. I started sucking his cock and he gave me instructions on how to suck it. He grabbed me by the hair and forced his cock down my throat when he came. I thought he was going to gag me to death and I puked on the floor after he let go.

This time they told me to take off my pants. I was given Vaseline and told to lay on my stomach and put some on my butt. I did what I was told. This time they told me to help by pushing like I was taking a shit as he pushed his cock in my ass. It made it allot easier as he took his time working it in making it less painful. It was still uncomfortable and I felt like I had to take a shit while he was in me. This time he fucked me like he would probably fuck a woman and it wasn’t near as bad as the first time. The second guy fucked me about the same way while the third had me give him head at the same time. Their was nothing pleasurable about it yet I was perplexed about getting a hard on. I was afraid about it because I thought they would beat me if they saw it. I also wondered if I could be homosexual. That really bothered me!

I would be woken up at different times of the night and asked to perform sex. I would just do it rather then risk being beaten. The men began to treat me gently and after a week or so they started letting me play cards with them and gave me candy bars and stuff. Before that I was ostracized, no one talked to me nor would they eat with me.

– David, California

For more testimonial/rape essays follow this link….(WTFPeople.com)

I am – Prison Rape Survivor January 18th, 2005