I am – Andres Serrano

Ok, here is a really cool artist. During Bush Sr. he was harrassed for showing a crucifix in a bottle of his own urine, I know, I know, everyone and their grandma has one of those on the mantlepiece. .. more ATJ

Serrano has also taken pictures of the dead, a great series that first introduced me to his work. To question his pictures as unartistc shows that, well, as me mum would say “you’re a fuckwit”… mum has such a great way with words. No but seriously, the recent pictures of bodybuilders, transsexuals, and Klan members remind us that we are all part of society composed of many wierd, wonderful, disturbing, people. Serrano opts for the fringes, often the most fascinating.

links HERE

links HERE(a great gallery)

links HERE

links HERE(with others)

interview HERE

I am – Andres Serrano January 27th, 2005