I am – Video Clips of the Day

SO I decided it was time for me to set up a video links of the day type of thing. The reason is that I know all you crazy kids love videos, and I know you think I have great taste, so I figured I would do my best to get you the goods.

If Brad already posted some of these, I apologize, I don’t check his link dumps….

All 6 Clips After the Jump….


Lingerie is hot, anyway you look at it, even dirty fat chicks look better in a nice teddy than naked.

A 16 minute clip of 16 minute lingerie fashion show HERE


I feel for girls who get slutty with overly emotional pussy boyfriends who feel the need to put together revenge clips to deal with getting dumped. I say just fucking drink your problems away. It’s guys like this asshole who fuck up my game when I try to get girls named on webcam and shit…Thanks for ruining it for the rest of us you fucking pussy.

Watch the clip here

Olsen Twins

This is a clip of 2 girls duking it out in a swimming pool in bikinis. It’s pretty boring but I am tired of doing the video clip dump



I really don’t think you should look at this clip. It’s fucking disgusting, but I had no choice but to put it on. Let me just say it is some Tranny shit, and I am not talking about car parts yo.


Scare Garbage Man

The oldest prank in the mexican pranks book…how to scare a garbage man – Still worth a round…



A guy calls in a gameshow just to say cunt – he says cunt but doesn’t win the prize


I am – Video Clips of the Day January 28th, 2005