I am – Dead Celebrity of the Day – Lucien Carr

Lucien Carr was the reason Jack Kerouac, William S. Burroughs and Allen Ginsberg met each other.Together they launched an influential movement called the beat generation, and not the kind of beat I like…I like tribal beats that I can feel deep in my soul..pulsating in my pants that make me dance…around the fire like I just sacrificed a virgin, or did some tribal initiation into manhood, like public circumcision, that is what they do in AFRICA….

More on Carr after the jump

Carr spent 2 years in jail after stabbing a man named David Kammerer, dumping the body in the hudson river, after

Kammerer showed a sexual interest in Carr. Kammerer was Carr’s boyscout scoutmaster during his youth and was

constantly making advances towards him. In 1944, Kammerer obviously came on a little too strong, and that is when

Carr stabbed the bitch.

If you know anything about the beats, you will know that Kerouac developed a technique of writing where he spewed

out as much as he could, as fast as he could, just the way it came to his mind, he felt annoyed with the stall

caused by switiching the paper, so Carr helped create an alternative post-war culture that included a carefree

atitude and a lot of drugs

Carr was 79, no more hard living or cristal sipping for this cat….

Story HERE

I am – Dead Celebrity of the Day – Lucien Carr January 31st, 2005