I am – Large Penis Support Group Post of the Day

Life with a big penis tends to be pretty hard on some people. They have to put up with endless scrutiny and harassment for being so lucky to mave a member that is bigger than yours…today’s post of the day covers the issues people with big penises (peni) have to put up with….

Has anyone ever had a friend who was average that constantly went out of their way to see your dick?

I have this one friend who is always coming up to me in the locker room and looking straight at it and he always dares me to show people and I have caught him looking. We just got back from a trip and every time we took a pee break he would come in the bathroom, and just stand there and talk to me why I was doing my thing but he wouldn’t piss at all just watch me

I am – Large Penis Support Group Post of the Day February 14th, 2005