I am – Born Today 16

Every person has one special day…Their birthday. Today there wan’t that many great birthdays so we will limit it to the top 3. So if you are born today, Feb 16, you share a birthday with these fine folks:

The top 3 people BORN TODAY:

#3)John McEnroe (02/16/1959 – )tennis

Quote on losing a championship: “”This taught me a lesson, but I’m not sure what it is.”

#2)Sir Francis Galton(02/16/1822 – 01/17/1911) English scientist

Quote: “Well-washed and well-combed domestic pets grow dull; they miss the stimulus of fleas.”

#1) Sonny Bono (02/16/1935 – 01/05/1998)singer, congressman (ex-husband of Cher)

Quote on fame: “You’re just borrowing it. It’s like money. You’re going to die, and somebody else is going to get it.”

John McEnroe picture and fan site after the Jump


I’ll let the racket do the talking.

John McEnroe

If you believe that [Anna Kournikova’s claim that she is a virgin], I’ve never questioned a call in my life.

John McEnroe

If, in a few months, I’m only number 8 or number 10 in the world, I’ll have to look at what off-the-court work I can do. I will need to do something if I want to be number 1.

John McEnroe

It’s a fabulous place [Buckingham Palace], I’ll never forget it, and the right guy won.

John McEnroe

Now I get docked 10 to 20 per cent (of my appearance fee) if I don’t yell at some people and break at least one racquet.

John McEnroe

This taught me a lesson, but I’m not sure what it is.

John McEnroe

You are the pits of the world! Vultures! Trash!

John McEnroe

I am – Born Today 16 February 16th, 2005