I am – Celebrity Doll Collection

I remember the first doll I ever got. It was one of those cheap blow up dolls made out of beachball material. That was before I saved up my money made from collecting bottles and cans by digging deep into the trash on every street corner to purchase a realdoll. I am joking people. I don’t have sex dolls, they are too damn expensive and after I am done with them they smell like shit and stink up my whole house. I think that may have something to do with the fact that I really get off by shitting on their little plastic faces.

Celebrities get dolls made in their image, so perverts everywhere can pretend the toy in their ass is really Britney Spears. I dug deep into the depths of the internet to find some random celebrity dolls…

Check them out – After the Jump


Sonny Bono – Dude can’t ski, hit a tree

Princess Diana – Killed by the government – Covered up by blaming people with cameras and motorbikes…

FloJo – Steroids stopped her heart

Groucho Marx of the Marx Brothers – pneumonia

Freddie Mercury – Pneumonia caused by AIDS caused by Homosexuality

Liberace – Aids caused by Homosexuality (batty boy boom)

George Burns – Old Age

Jim Morrison – Drugs

Elvis – Drugs


Elton John – Just Gay.

Boy George – Just a Tranny


Michael Jackson

People Who Will Never Have Dolls Made In their image again:







Vanilla Ice

John Travolta

Prince Charles

Luke Perry

Donny Osmond

MC Hammer

I am – Celebrity Doll Collection March 19th, 2021