I am – Born Today Feb 21

Every person has one special day…Their birthday. Everyone hates Monday’s, the day we must all drag our hang over ass down to work after the weekend. So lets blame this Monday on someone born today, just chosse someone. I choose you Jeanne Calment.

Top 4 People born Today

#4)Jennifer Love Hewitt (02/21/1979 – ) actor,

Quote on her breasts:”I just accepted them as a great accessory to every outfit.”

#3)Sacha Guitry (02/21/1885 – 07/24/1957)French writer

Quote: “The little I know I owe to my ignorance.”

#2)Jeanne Calment (02/21/1875 – 08/04/1997)French oldest person

Quote: on the sort of future a 120-yr-old expects

#1)Ann Sheridan (02/21/1915 – 01/21/1967) actor

Quote: “They nicknamed me the Oomph Girl, and I loathe that nickname! Just being known by a nickname indicates that you’re not thought of as a true actress….It’s just crap! If you call an actress by her looks or a reaction, then that’s all she’ll ever be thought of as.”

Pictures of the Birthday boys/girls after the Jump

Jennifer Love Hewitt


Jeanne Calment

Ann Sheridan

The Ann Sheridan Picture Gallery

I am – Born Today Feb 21 February 21st, 2005