I am – Graphic Artist of the Day

This guy is a nutcase. He set up a graphic journal that spans the course of a year, which means dude pretty much made a design a day for

365 days in attempts to develop his design skills. I went through the month of December, I guess his designs are aight, there are 365 of them, brotha better have something worth looking at. Realize I am not posting this cuz I think his work’s hot, I am posting this because I think his concept was.

The only thing I have ever been consistent in for 365 consecutive days is pissing. No matter what, I have always pissed, there has never been a day gone by that I neglected to pee. Other than that, I am pretty inconsistent.

Link and Samples After the Jump

Micah Bauer 365 Day Graphic Journal

I am – Graphic Artist of the Day March 8th, 2005