I am – Corey Haim Guestbook Entries

Teen heartthrob turned crack addict. Sad story for those who care, for people like me, who think crack smoking is funny, the Haim True Hollywood story is nothing but laughs…..


Name: Corey Ian Haim

Born: December 23, 1971 – Toronto, Ontario

Hair Color: Sandy Brown

Eye Color: Blue

A Favorite Actress: Cybill Shepherd

A Favorite Actor: James Dean

A Favorite Food: Pizza!

A Personal Ambition: To win an Academy Award

A Quote: “There’s no point in making bad movies. That is not my desire.”

Corey Haim Guestbook Entries – After The Jump

Name: Mr sprawl

E-Mail: zib@hotbot.com

Homepage Title: Youz got a nice pair of lips Corey

Location: Prison

Comments: I love staring at your photos, while i stand there nude, slackjawed and stroking my veiny shlong. too bad you cant be as good at michael jackson dance moves as feldman.

Name: Craig

E-Mail: craigin2000@hotmail.com

Location: Australia

Comments: Corey, I cant beleive you are selling your tooth on ebay for $US75. That’s not even goingt to get you a couple of lines dude.

Name: Amber Jarvis

Location: Virginia beach

Comments: I’m glad that I found this web site now I can keep up on his new movies. To the two guys from London, chill out!!!

yeah! It would be nice to be famous but regular life is not so bad. I’m just glad to see that Corey Haim is still making movies

and that he stills looks good.

Name: nicolette hinton

Location: dallas texas

Comments: “If I ever met Corey Haim in the late 80’s I probably would have raped him. Ever since The Lost Boy’s I have had the biggest crush on Corey Haim. In the rollerboy movie I thought I was going to die he was so hot. I wish I could met him. Love Nicolette hinton

Name: Jessica Stoner

E-Mail: Stoner_Kat@hotmail.com

Location: LaCygne,Kansas (The Land Of OZ)

Comments: I love Corey. I am only 16 but I have loved him since before I was old enough to talk and I will love him even after I am too old to talk. He’s the shit!



Name: anita

E-Mail: anita8@gmx.de

Location: germany

Comments: Hey corey !

when I was 16 years old I was very fanatic to see see you in all your films !!

please never give up ,continue with your dream beeing a actor in great films ,forget all insults and people who only like you when your a famos star ,all fake !!!

I believe in you !

ciao ,best wishes from Germany !


Name: Lizzie

E-Mail: misslizzie@caiway.nl

Location: The Netherlands

Comments: I really had my hole bedroom loaded with ‘Corey Haim’ stuff when i was a teenager! I was crazy in love 🙂

Nice to get back that ‘fluffy’ feeling in my stomach for a while…

I am – Corey Haim Guestbook Entries March 26th, 2005