I am – Still Lovers

We all know how I feel about dirty doll fuckers. I think they are weird. But more importantly, I think they are fascinating. People with such warped emotional and psychological issues that loving an inanimate object gives them a certain level comfort and normality. It levels them out. Now, I guess I shouldn’t dis, because I would rather my neighbor be fucking a big rubber doll than my 10 year old daughter, however, I still think weird. There is an artist who felt the same way I did, and explored the life of people with dolls – photographically. For the record, the only inanimate object I ever loved was a full bottle of Aqua Velva….motherfucker

Her name is Elena Dorfman and Check out some of the pics after the jump!!

Inspired by SexBlo.gs

I am – Still Lovers April 1st, 2005