I am – Penelope Cruz Topless Beach

I figured why not make this weekend a weekend of celebrity content, not because I like the celebrity shit, but because you do. Think of it as an early Passover present, Jew. These are some pics of Penelope Cruz topless on a beach. You may remember her as the actress hired to be Tom Cruise’s girlfriend out in public. We all know that cunt is gay, he knows it would be a bad PR move, so he needs to pretend he’s got bitches lined up. Remember the whole Nicole Kidman shit, the reason they adopted kids was because his penis was never going to venture into her babyhole. I remember the last time I had a hired girlfriend, I paid her to hang with me, through dinners, alcohol and taxi rides, but I never ventured into the land of slop. It’s a sad story, but not as sad as that Elian Gonzales shit, let that mexican free motherfuckers.

Topless pics after the jump (old)

I am – Penelope Cruz Topless Beach April 17th, 2005