I am – Vanessa Hulihan

There is this internet girl who I would consider marrying, not because she sent me this picture, or because she is hot, but because she is in a happy relationship and I love nothing more than homewrecking. The picture you see is of Vanessa Hulihan, the Vegas hooker Kevin Federline was caught hanging with. No, I don’t know much, but I do know that our favorite mooch, K-Fed probably smells really bad, and the sheer fact that this whore is hanging with him proves that girls dig guys with money, even when it isn’t their own. I remember when I believed women loved romance and kindness, like the time I offered to fuck a girl up the ass cuz we didn’t have a condom, or the time, I let some chick I just finished banging spend the afternoon with me. I even let her wash the sheets and shower in my house. I know it’s got shit on the time I took a girl for a romantic drive to the country and left her in a field to find her way back. That’s just how I am livin’.

This picture is supposed to be exclusive: BRITPOPPA

I am – Vanessa Hulihan April 19th, 2005