I am – Body Pierced Corsets

Surface piercings make no sense to me, I remember when I was young, we used to get bored in class and shove sharp pencil’s through the skin our arms, but that was back when pencils were actually made of lead, none of this non-toxic graphite pussy shit. I have no idea how today’s youth is gonna man up, parents are so damn protective…not smoking in front of them, bike helmets, no trans fats, dude that’s the shit we were made of and some of us are still alive, and not all of us produced flipper babies when that joyous time came…anyway kids are getting surface piercings, because they are not different enough as it is and they need to prove through extreme body mods that they are their own person. I am not complaining, these are amazing for tying a bitch to something or hanging her off the ceiling… That’s my fucking story and if you didn’t laugh, it’s cool, because I get enough kicks laughing at you…

Via SexBlo.gs

I am – Body Pierced Corsets April 27th, 2005