I am – Jewish Product of the Day

So I am sitting in my lawyer’s kosher kitchen a couple of days ago and I have the worst fucking hang over, my fucking head was pounding, I was dizzy and I had a throbbing pain in my side, probably my liver screaming for help. I hadn’t slept in 2 days, and this bender was one of my finest, just Jack and me for 48 hours. I hadn’t showered and I stank but luckily my lawyer’s grandson had just recently had his barmitzvah, and Goldstein had a case of mints with his little cunts and image on name on it. I looked at it and said to myself this shit is tacky as fuck, it’s got no street cred, it screams suburban upper-middle class, and it gave me heartburn. Give me a rolaid and another drink, bitch….

These mints have made the cut and are the Jewish Product of the day…..

2.25″ w x 1.75″ h x .5″ deep. Mazel Mints are the perfect party favor for your Mitzvah. Various candy options available (included in price) that will make this simcha a tasty celebration. Mazel Mints are Star-K Kosher. Mint containers are a high quality hinged box

I am – Jewish Product of the Day April 27th, 2005