I am – WildVacation.net

Single people make me laugh, not because I laugh at other people’s misfortunes, which I do, but because they get so damn desperate. I am not talking hookers, because there is nothing wrong with that shit, it’s just capitalism, bitch has something you need, and with everything comes a price, whether it is time or money, so when a lazy man comes along, with a little extra money burnin a hole in his wallet, hiring pussy is not wrong. However, when you make vacation plans around hookers, you may have a bit of a problem, I am thinking maybe all your friends are married and have kids, with no interest in bringing their weird chronic masturbater along for their family trip to Disneyland, so you take it upon yourself to rock out at some whore infested beach resort, fucking different girls everynight, feeling like a fucking star…all I gots to say to that is fantastic great times, but you are definitely no star, and I won’t go into why you aren’t one, because I don’t want to push anyone to suicide…even when it is a great option for many.

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I am – WildVacation.net May 2nd, 2005