I am – Fleshlight Discussion Board Post of the Day

Fleshlights are made for everyone. Here I am thinking they are only for dude’s who can’t get laid, or lack the funds to hire a whore. People who have been masturbating since they were 11 and bored of their hand, because they be running dry, but I was wrong, and when I am wrong I am wrong, and this is an example of me being wrong. I went to the fleshlight discussion board, and I find out that a Fleshlight saved some crippled man’s marriage. That’s right people, Fleshlights are cripple friendly…not just for lonely perverts anymore….

I purchased a fleshlight because I suffer from chronic back pain at times due to a

physical condition. I wanted to add something fun back into our sex life so this seemed

appropriate. Well not to go into much detail……..wow…….oh my …..mm……… After 1 hour it was amazingly lifelike ! My back didn’t hurt and I felt woderful ! This also brought back a closeness again into our marriage.My wife thought this was the best alternative to intercourse for me without putting a strain on my back. I know it can be frustrating for the spouse who is married to someone who has physical limitations. I highly reccomend this to people (couples) who suffer from disabilities and still want that closeness in sex. This device is not just a masterbation toy, but a carefuly thought out medical device that can enhance your sex life.

Having your spouse use this on you is one of the most erotic experiences you can everrrr have.

I am – Fleshlight Discussion Board Post of the Day May 25th, 2005