I am – Peperonni Nipple of the Day

A nipple is a beautiful thing (if you’re weird). It’s the spicket that feeds our spawns, a source of life to a new generation, a decoration on the breast (like christmas lights or a painting on the wall). It gives guys something to look at, play with, satisfy weird psychological mother issues with, all at the same time. I know that not all breasts are perfect, and I am not one out there looking for an ideal nipple or the perfect tit, but I am willing to say that these nipples are disgusting. I know the bitch in the pics is equally disgusting, she has absolutely no good physical attributes, I am sure she’s a good person, hell, she sure as hell better be because her nipples have a circumference(2-pie-r) greater than my dinner plate, and I am a fat dude, so that’s pretty damn big. You may be confusing this bitch with my wife, but my baby is way mo’fatter, Assholes.

I am – Peperonni Nipple of the Day May 26th, 2005