I am – Jessica Simpson Fucked Bam and Johnny Knoxville

Bam’s ex-girlfriend, the one who he has a sex tape with, has come out with the truth about our favorite big breasted slag Jessica Simpson. This is going to be all over the internet by the time you read this, but I figured I would post about it, because we are supportive of married women cheating on their loser meathead husbands with dirty skateboard kids…I don’t know what Nick was thinking when he married a virgin, I am thinking it was to further his career, they did get a TV show, and he did launch a solo career, it was a solid way to stay in the public’s eye, and not wash up like his loser boy-bandmates….back to the virgin thing, girls with few partners will venture out after getting fucked and realizing that they like getting fucked. They want to know what else is out there, and it’s pretty obvious that Nick is more interested in doing push-ups then getting up in her… that is the reason I only marry sluts.

Hear Interview Here

Watch the Bam and His Ex’s Sex Tape Here


I am – Jessica Simpson Fucked Bam and Johnny Knoxville June 5th, 2005