I am – Battlestar Gallactica Nude

It was a horrible show, with no budget, that I couldn’t watch more than 3 minutes of, no matter how drunk I was. Even if I passed out on the motherfucking floor and that shit came on, I would still find a way to change the fucking channel, even if it was to Dick Clark’s History of Rock and Roll infomercial….however the bitch in the show, named Tricia, is semi naked for some type of shitty photoshoot. This is what happens to you when you sign on to a shitty TV show…you end up doing cheap modeling work to pay for the Volks Jetta you bought with your huge paycheck from you shitty show….it was a four year lease, who woulda thought they would stop paying you after the first episode…I bet you didn’t Tricia you whore.

I am – Battlestar Gallactica Nude June 7th, 2005