I am – Britney’s Nipples Get Bigger

That’s right, she’s pregnant, and with pregancy comes bigger tits, and with bigger tits comes bigger nipples, but that doesn’t mean it’s hot. I want to “bed” a pregnant girl just as much as the next guy, I like to wait until the third trimeste when everythings ripe and her belly button becomes an outty, but I have trouble bringing myself to love a girl with a shit stain (areola) the size of a tea saucer. I know tea is supposed to be classy and shit, but I am more into whiskey….point of this post is to say Britney’s areolas, pregnant or not are too big and aim the wrong way. I don’t mean to be picky, but I remember this time I got this girl naked and her tits were just nipples and there was nothing beautiful in that. I let her give me a blowjob, but made her keep her shirt on…..

I am – Britney’s Nipples Get Bigger July 6th, 2005