I am – Mariah Carey Nipple

So here’s the nipple picture all you motherfuckers have been looking for, I am not about to write a commentary on how nice nipples are to suck on, or how cool it is to not wear a bra, because no one really cares. I am also not going to write about how Mariah is a crackhead, her sister’s an official whore and how I have always thought she looked like a man. I am not going to use the word “wardrobe malfunction”, because I feel it is a term much like metrosexual, something I would never say because the losers in mainstream media coined it, and there is nothing cool about mainstream media, except for the anchor women, it’s nice to see how nicely women have integrated their species into society….that’s my post for the day…fuck you.

I am – Mariah Carey Nipple July 14th, 2005