I am – Hittin' Rock Bottom

You know when your life hits rock bottom, your wife cheats on you with your best friend, the bank comes after you because you can’t make your credit card payments, immigration is on your fucking ass, they’ve almost tracked down where you are working under the table and where you live and motherfucker’s are knocking on your door. Have you hit rock bottom? Have you turned to the bottle, even though you were already on the bottle, and the bottle’s not taking away your pain? Where do you go from here. Well it seems like I have hit rock bottom, I’ve come to bring you posts and motherfucker’s have shut down my image hosting. Life is a mess, this is worse than having to fuck my wife after goin out for Mexican food, this is better than the time I got busted for selling acid to minors. You all heard about the guy who would give out “stickers” to little kids on the playground and how those stickers were actually acid, well that motherfucker was me. Now you know.

I haven’t figured out an solution to this problem, but as a broke and lazy hurtbag it won’t be easy, but I will have something up sooner than later and it will be better than it is now.

You just gotta believe baby.

I am – Hittin' Rock Bottom July 26th, 2005