I am – Charlize Theron’s Dog

I was thinking about writing something useless about beastiality, but figured who the fuck cares if bitch slaps on peanut butter, and has her ol’ pup chow down on her ‘giner. I figure you lonely fucks have enough experience sticking your dicks in aninimate objects because most things with a pulse would turn your sorry asses down, I guess slapping peanut butter on your junk is a nice change from your normal day to day, animals never say no to peanut butter. The only thing you have to keep in mind is that it’s not you they want, it’s your tasty goodness that you applied, because even a dog would reject you, if it was tempted with the treats. That said, I should make it clear that it’s not Charlize’s fault she turned to dogs, she’s from Africa, and in Africa everyone has AIDS, it would be unfair for her to hook up with a human, and for that we commend her. Everyone does there part to fight against AIDS, even if it means fucking your dog.

I am – Charlize Theron’s Dog September 11th, 2005