I am – Barbie Girl

I love bitches who rock their webcam, especially when they are naked. But I make exceptions for the weird girls out there, who rock out to Aqua with stupid make-up on their faces while rubbin their tits and lip syncing. I would probably be happier seeing her suck off her boyfriend, but you know, I can’t only post nudity up on this shit. It will tarnish my reputation of being the classiest blogger out there, and I am not comfortable ruining my image just to make you perverts happy. If you are so inclined to hunt down naked girls on webcam, I am sure there are pay sites for you, let’s face it, you don’t need the money you make as a Walgreens stockboy, you will be living with your mom for many years to come. After you swallow those cold hard facts, feel free to watch this video, because it is hysterical…if you don’t hate yourself too much to laugh…..

Via Otty Baby (the only man who loves me)

Watch Video Here

I am – Barbie Girl October 4th, 2005