I am – T-Shirt of the Day

Did you think I forgot about this feature? Fuck that, I was just being lazy the last 2 months. I am fucking mexican and an alcoholic, what do you expect from me? It was summer, and the sun just fucks me up. Either way, this is the hottest t-shirt I have seen in a long fucking time. It’s called the evolution of the bush and you need to get one for yourself….cuz it will get you the attention you need. I am tired of dealing with you being a hermit…you need to get the fuck out of the basement and out on the street. Do it in this shirt…Girls will love you for it…if girls are your thing…if they aren’t…I can respect that. DrunkenStepfather.com is gay friendly.

I am – T-Shirt of the Day October 4th, 2005