I am – Scrubs and Summer Creampie

The only person who reads this site sent me in a story about how Zach Braff and Summer from the O.C. are fucking. His name is Dipo and he’s from Nigeria, but I guess you already know that since you’re my only reader. Either way, I’d like to thank you for coming back over and over, without you, I’d be writing to myself, and it feels so much better having at least one fan, even if you are Nigerian. So thanks Dipo.

So, I go to some of the regular celebrity shitty blogs that are written but closet case homos, or full blown queens who are making up for the ridicule they endured in High School (you can never live that shit down can you, blogger?) and find out the story’s true. I thought this bitch was dating the dude from the OC who has given geeks everywhere a false sense of security in being a geek, yeah, I am talking to those very same closet case homosexual bloggers who think that watching Star Wars, reading comics and rockin’ a blazer over an ironic t-shirt while having an asthma attack gets you pussy, without realizing that it’s a fucking TV show and in all TV shows, the bitch has no choice but to date the loser, they pay her to, yes she’s like a hooker, something you should get used to, cuz that’s really the only pussy that you will get.

Either way, she filmed a movie with Zach “I make self-righteous movies about being a depressed rich jew boy” Braff in Montreal and their fucking is supposed to be a big secret so Summer’s 14 year old fans don’t freak the fuck out about her and Seth only pretending to be together, so I contact my celebrity stalking friend and he sends me these pics that clearly prove that this bitch is lettin’ Braff cum inside her open mouth and inside her open box and that’s only because celebrities don’t use condoms. That’s all I really have to say about that.

I am – Scrubs and Summer Creampie September 15th, 2006