I am – Christina Aguilera’s Husband’s Dick

I just wanted to say that I totally called that this fool had a big dick. I read a story somewhere that at their wedding he thanked his parent’s for his big dick which proves my theory that ugly guys can get laid, if they got big dicks. Too bad for you, sitting in your mom’s basement, 4 inches hard, video game controller in hand…you won’t ever get X-Tina’s rotten cunt. Point of the story is that impotence takes away all insecurities about having a little dick, it’s like having a fleshy wound that you pee out of…..I’d like to thank crystal meth, obesity and hard living for my useless cock. Good story – tell your grandkids you fucking assholes.

I am – Christina Aguilera’s Husband’s Dick November 23rd, 2005