I am – Micha Barton is Famous

Do you ever think that celebs hire their own photographers to act as paparzzi to boost their self esteem. I think all paparazzi is just hired by the PR people behind the celebs and in reality, they are all a whole group of friends, laughin’ at you for feeling sorry about invading their fucking privacy. It’s a marketing tool motherfuckers, and you all fell for it. That said, I used to have a team of photographers follow me around. It was actually my friend Leroy and a group of people from the psychiatric hospital doing some type social integration project. They didn’t actually have real cameras, just pillows, so I guess I didn’t really ever have a team of photographers follow me around, but they thought they were, so that’s half points, FUCKER.

I am – Micha Barton is Famous December 15th, 2005