I am – Gisele on the Beach

Last I heard, this girl was engaged to Leonardo DiCaprio. I think he realized that he was capable of landing any pussy he wants and more importantly, that every brazilian has AIDS, especially the trannies, it’s a fact. If you were him, and found that out that your girl is really just an attractive, feminine dude with AIDS, you’d drop your bitch pretty quick too, even if she was a Victoria Secret model. There are hot bitches everywhere, just cuz some dyke Art Director chose Gisele doesn’t mean she’s the best pussy on the planet. Point of this post is not to point the “AIDS” finger at anyone, or accuse hot models of being born with a cock. The point is to try and understand why she’s with a balding dude. I know all you 28 year old momma’s boys, sitting in your parent’s basement, that you find really cool cuz you have your own entrance, are thinking to yourselves, “I’m bald and fat maybe I’ll land a bitch like Gisele too”. I’d finish this post but I realize that no one actually reads my shit. So fuck you too.

I am – Gisele on the Beach December 20th, 2005