Joe Rogan Message of the Day

I asked Joe Rogan to send me a message a week, that I would post here for all you losers. I figured you were the kind of person who sits in his mom’s basement, dick in hand, waiting for fear factor to have a water challenge so that you can bust a nut. Since Joe was there for all those TV/Bikini induced orgasms, having him as part of the site seemed fitting.

This was his response. So I decided to make it the unofficial Joe Rogan Message of the Day. I figure his legal team will ask me to take it down, eventually.

Thanks for the offer, but I barely have time to write anything for my own site.Take it easy,


Thanks Joe. I can’t wait til next week’s message of the day.

This is where I’d promote his site, but this is an unofficial Joe Rogan Message of the day, so I don’t wanna share my traffic with people who have no time for me.

However you can check out another Joe Rogan Here


Joe Rogan Message of the Day February 20th, 2008