Michelle Williams Nipple Slip

Imagine being in your partner’s shadow. We know that Beyonce and her crew started this game together, but Beyonce wanted all the glory and Michelle Williams just held up the back-end. I know that no one really gives a fuck about these girls and that they are old news, but it’s funny to see “Beyonce’s Bitch” droppin her top a little to show some nipple, just trying get some attention. I guess life in someone’s shadow is a lonely place to be. The only time I was ever in anyone’s shadow was last summer. I was taking my wife for a walk, she rode her fat person scooter but when we got to the pond, in the park, she stood up, blocked out the sun and I thought it was the terrorists invading or some shit. It’s not the same kind of shadow as Michelle Williams, but a shadow none the less. Now go fuck yourself for thinking my story sucked and look at the nipple.

Michelle Williams Nipple Slip February 20th, 2008