Marisa Tomei's Wet Shorts

I used to have a weird fetish growing up – that involved wet clothing. I never really understood what did it for me, but when a girl happened to get stuck in a rainstorm in a white t-shirt without an umberella – I’d be happier that you were the first time you got a hand job from the Albino chick in your highschool. I aint got shit against albino’s cuz another fetish of mine growing up was Red Eyes. It’s like fucking a dragon and I always get off to dragons. The point of this post is to say that although I had that wet clothing fetish – there is absolutely nothing hot about Tomei’s wet shorts. I guess she’s just past her prime and it’s not “My Cousin Vinny” anymore, and by that I mean, her ass isn’t all that.

Marisa Tomei's Wet Shorts January 6th, 2006