Britney in Vegas

I have no idea if these are old pics or new pics of Britney. To me she always looks the same. I feel like I have seen her in some ghetto beater without a bra and joggin pants, but that’s probably because she wears the same thing daily. I am not about to rip into her hygiene, like all the other sites used to do, cuz it’s old news. I just feel the need to post a Britney erect nipple whenever I can – to prove that bitch doesn’t have implants. Baby or not, her nips have always aimed to the ground. Implants don’t do that. I like her rehab shirt, classy, I wonder what flea market she bought that at. I wish my mom wore Rehab shirts, but she is dead. I kinda wish bitch really had a drug addiction and gave birth to a flipper baby, it would have been funny, but only for some people.

Britney in Vegas February 20th, 2008