Kirsten Dunst Goes Shopping


I don’t really get off to watching nasty celebrities do their grocery shopping…I do get off to watching them eat, but that’s only because I have a food fetish. I like food and that is why I am fat. Apparantly Kirsten Dunst likes food too, but she’s just one of those slim-fat bitches, the kind that looks skinny, but the second her clothes are off – she’s all droppin all over the place. The only reason I know this is because she has big tits, real skinny don’t have big tits. It’s nice to see that celebrities have the luxury of actually going grocery shopping, I am forced to eat cans of creamed corn that I stole from the canning factory I used to work at, before the cunts fired me. This is unemployed Jesus, and I like to drink.

Kirsten Dunst Goes Shopping February 22nd, 2008