80s T-Shirt of the Day

I love how every fucking loser and their best friend rocked a pink shirt last year. You know the kind of guy who goes to the gym a lot, rocks gelled hair, enjoys talkin’ shit about “faggots” and “pussy”, meanwhile loves hangin’ out in the gym locker and lookin’ at his friend’s dick in the shower. You know the kind of pink shirt wearing homo that has a wop accent, that wears alligator elf boots and a tight pair of Energie jeans. Well, I am not gonna let those Gino motherfuckers fuck with the pink t-shirt. I think they are over that trend, so the cool kids can officially rock pink again. This Miami Vice shirt is hot, I don’t care how homo you think it may be. Sometimes Pink is the New Blog, othertimes pink is a safe choice for t-shirts, especially when it says Miami Vice on it, cuz everything in Miami is pink, except for the spic pussy, which is a nicer shade of brown/purple/black/baby factory. Don’t let gino’s ruin your steez.

Get Yours Now

80s T-Shirt of the Day February 20th, 2008