Jennifer Love Hewitt Bikini

There was a desperate seeking of her nipple, that was really just a shadow. It’s been established that everyone is obsessed with her boobs, because they look so big on her small frame. Now we have some bikini candids for you to check out. I am pretty indifferent about this one, because it is saturday, I am hung over and the only channel I have is playing “That 70’s Show”. It’s the episode where Kelso thinks he’s Travolta, and I want to kill myself. I also never really saw the Love Hewitt appeal, she has a big head and the one channel I have also plays ghostwhisperer, which was on last night, and made me want to kill myself. So if you’re feeling all done on your luck, like me, look at Love Hewitt, if she’s a bitch you wanna get with, and hopefully it will bring some joy to your life. My life is about making your life better.

Jennifer Love Hewitt Bikini February 20th, 2008