Paris Hilton’s Ass

Paris Hilton still has an ass, not a very good one, but one to poop with. That means the infection wasn’t bad enough to get the doctor’s to sew that shit up, strap bitch up with a colostomy bag, and send her on her way. It does however mean that she will continue to rock short skirts with no ass-covering panties. Yes, I just said panties. I never understood why girls found that word so gross, I guess it reminds them of when their dad’s used to dress them or undress them growing up….well just because you have repressed fucking issues about your dad taking off/putting on your panties, doesn’t mean I can’t drop the word…Point of the story is colostomy bag or not, I’d still fuck Paris’ ass…I can’t lie…there’s something sexy about girls who shit in a bag…..and not from her anus…

Bonus:Paris B-Day Pics, bitch looks knocked up,you know, fat in the Uterus

For more Nipple/Ass Pictures go to

Paris Hilton’s Ass February 20th, 2008