I am – YouTube Dump from the Couch of the Day

What started off as a something to do, has turned into an obsession for Steve. He hasn’t left my couch in 4 days, other than to piss and bum cigarettes from my neighbors. I tried to tell him that watching other peoples home videos starts to get creepy after doing it for 68 hours straight, but then I realized that I can’t tell someone to not be creepy, creepy is my job. He insisted on explaining why he liked these clips the best himself. So here is Steve’s link dump from the couch of the day, written by Steve.

Urban Ninja:

Remember when you were like, 11, and you watched all 4 “American Ninja� movies, then you ran around your house doing somersaults on the furniture? Then your mom got mad cause you accidentally drop kicked your sister in the face and broke her nose? Well I do, and so does this guy. The only difference is that I grew up, and he is asian.

Watch Urban Ninja

Stupid Asians:

Have you ever seen an Asian drink? Its funny, because they get shit loaded after 3 drinks. Then they start talking in broken english and get really annoying. The only problem is that you can’t beat them up because they travel in packs and carry knives. These are their sisters.

Watch Stupid Asians

More Stupid Asians:

This one time I sang in the choir for my elementary school graduation. My mom thought it would be cute to video tape it. Well it wasn’t fucking cute, so I destroyed the tape. Again, these chicks are asian, so instead they put it on the internet.

Watch More Stupid Asians

Hot Chicks Rapping:

The only Difference with these chicks is that they are hot. And when you see them singing like idiots you imagine yourself taking them on a road trip to the beach to play beach volleyball all day while dudes in sports cars give you props. Then you go out and get drunk while they are the center of attention on the dance floor. Then you grab them by the hand and lead them to the water where you gently kiss under the stars and tell them you love them. That’s what I imagine.

Watch Hot Chicks Rapping

Don’t Quit Your Day Job:

When I found this video I thought that it would be just another goofy girl singing and rapping into the camera. After about a minute of watching it I started to feel really uncomfortable and wasn’t sure if I was becoming a pedophile, or if it really had comical value. All I know is that being embarrassed for someone you have never met is a really weird feeling, and the fact that it gave me a semi erection will haunt me till at least Thursday.

Watch Don’t Quit Your Day Job


ok dont ever post my youtube vids on the internet….

srry just dont

i think ur like a 70 yr old stalker trying to moleste gurls so dont!

and that vid u posted i deleted so hah

I am – YouTube Dump from the Couch of the Day March 2nd, 2006