I am – Lohan Hacked Photos

I have the same problem as Lohan, everytime I muster up the energy to leave my ghetto piece of shit apartment to go to the store for beer, or beans, or burritos, or any other product that starts with the letter “b”, I feel like people are taking pictures of me. That is really only because I am ultra paranoid, unshowered and in a shirt I stole from Home Depot, it’s plaid and insulated and I haven’t washed in in a few weeks, and people tend to stare. Here are some pics of Lohan with her useless Jew friends, with Bongs, pretending to eat pussy, giving the finger and all the other classy things a cokeslut with the hottest tits in town and patchy skin can get away with. That’s my fucking story and it wasn’t meant to be funny, so don’t bother commenting on how I am not funny – because I already know that. Cunt.

I am – Lohan Hacked Photos March 3rd, 2006