I am – Lohan on SNL

SNL is retarded and not funny, but I was watching a bit of SNL and saw Lohan in a bikini which made me happy. I love Lohan and want to get her pregant. I would love to be the K-Fed in her life that everyone hates. But I know that will never happen, so instead I turned to the internet and when lookin’ for the screen caps of her in her bikini, to post here, all i could find from the show was the Laser Cats skit and I thought it was funnier than the other shit on the show. But who really cares what I think…TV is generally never funny, and this would probably suck the second time around…The point of the story is that if you were at home watching SNL, you are a fucking loser and need to get out more. I’ve have accepted the fact that I suck at life…the question is have you? I love the people who sit at home thinking people like them and shit, and that jerking off to an SNL skit is your doing, it’s not your fucking choice, you’re only fooling yourself….loser. Watch this clip and I’ll go back to hunting for screencaps.

I am – Lohan on SNL April 16th, 2006