I am – Topanga’s Fat Tits

I am not the type of person to judge a girl by her physique, that would be really superficial of me and I like to love people of all sizes. People who only to talk to a girl based on looks are real jerks, besides, fat bitches are known to be good in bed or at least sucking dick because they love the attention in a superficial world that deprives them of it on a daily basis. I remember hearing a joke from some frenchman with the punchline being “because they don’t know if it may be the last time they have sex”…or something like that. I was never one for comedic timing of the ability to remember jokes, so that story was a waste of your time, but the logic was that a hot girl can fuck whenever she wants because she’s hot and a fat chick can’t. While I know that when hot chicks are in bed with you they are all inseucre and shit, because being hot means a lot of work goes into looking good, so bitch doesn’t want you seeing her flaws/imperfections or problem spots that she’s hypersensitive about, so she makes you turn out the light and lays there…not letting you fuck her from behind and shit…And the reality for fat bitches can get laid just as easily as hot bitches, they just get dudes with no game and black guys who love that shit, and by shit I mean obesity. The difference is that fat girls have so many fucking imperfections and problem spots, like their whole body is a science experiment gone wrong, so no matter what position she’s in, she’s gonna look disgusting by my standards, with cellulite, flaps, roles and fucking stretch marks, but the fat bitch is just like “fuck it and make me cum”. Fat chicks will also let you do anything you want to them, I’m talking ANAL because their assholes are the size of an average size girl’s pussy making for easy entry. I could be wrong about all this, maybe it does come down to wanting to feel wanted and in control for 15 mins while the rest of their lives they feel like shit so they eat ice cream to compensate…..Either way, I am not a psychologist, but Topanga IS a fat bitch, but no one’s judging, because she’s got fat tits.

Bonus: Topanga Shopping with Britney Spears…Top Grade Meat.

I am – Topanga’s Fat Tits April 17th, 2006