I am – Email of the Day

I only get about 3 emails a day, so when they include attachments, I get all excited, thinking that they may be from my ficticious female readers with hot bodies and a love for getting naked for me, but it never is it’s usually just a virus, and not the kind attached to a vagina. This email is actually about some dude’s night out using pheromone sprays. It’s not that interesting, but neither are you so go fuck yourself and die. Cuddles.


I have been reading your site for months, it brings me hours of entertainment followed by days of depression(HA!). I wanted to let you know that I bought some pherlure through your site last week. Here are some pics of me making out with the chick. TRUST ME when I say this, she looked a hell of a lot better in the dark and with a few drinks in me. Don’t worry, I didn’t end up fucking her because I have standards and she has a black boyfriend and a kid. It was a great way to start this bottle. I’ll be going out tonight and if my friend gets pics of me in action and if the chicks aren’t too ugly, I’ll send them your way.

Post this if you want and keep up the site.



I love it when I see my readers dropping my catch phrases, it makes me feel like I have had some kind of useless impact on society. If you want in on this, check out this site.

I am – Email of the Day May 6th, 2006