I am – Britney Spears’ Uterus

Federline is packin’ some potent sperm. This motherfucker doesn’t even let his woman’s lady parts recover and shrink back to normal from the last baby before doin’ it all over again. I like to think it’s his planning for retirement. Child support and when there are two kids the payout is double, provided he gets custody which he will because she’ll be out in the gutter somewhere getting high, remembering the days she was at the top. Every girl I meet from the south are more fertile than a cat in heat on a hot tin roof. I think it has to do with being poor because it poor people have a shitload of kids. They are uneducated and dropped out of school before they were learned Sex Ed, they are too poor to buy birth control and the more kids you have the more hands you have to work the family land, and by family land I mean the more the government pays out to you….

Bonus: Looking Like Possum Trash

Bonus Number 2: At Letterman Yesterday

I am – Britney Spears’ Uterus May 10th, 2006