I am – Carmit Bachar Naked

I don’t know where these pics are from. I am thinking from a major men’s magazine who is going to send me a cease and desist letter, even though I am friends with the CEO.

I didn’t know who Carmit was either, so I did a little Wikipedia search….

Born in Los Angeles, California, with a cleft lip/palate, she is of Israeli/Chinese and Dutch/Indonesian descent and comes from a family of entertainers. Her mother was a dance teacher and her father danced and even once worked with Marcel Marceau. She competed internationally as a rhythmic gymnast for 10 years, and placed 5th in the Olympic trials in 1992, she even went on to compete in the Gymnastics World Championships. During her career competing on the National Team, she attended Hamilton Academy of Music in Los Angeles, studying music, dance, and also piano and viola.

They forgot to mention she was born with a penis, and has just completed her sex change, these pics are a celebration of her move into womanhood. It’s like when a 12 year old girl gets her period, and her mom takes her to the mall. I remember when I went through a phase where I only banged chicks when they were on their period. I was “THAT” guy. I didn’t do it cuz I liked it, I did it in protest to all the men out there who make their bitches give them head while their bleeding and refuse to go under the pantes. , I was like “I DON’T GIVE A FUCK”, so I made a bet with a guy in a bar after a few too many Scotch and Sodas, and by Scotch I mean rubbing alcohol. Anyway, I bet that I only have period sex for a month, but I liked it so much that I did it for 6, good thing only 2 chicks were drunk enough to bang me in those 6 months.

Anyway, there’s something sexy about looking at your bed after banging and having it look like a murder scene…who am I kidding, I don’t have a bed, and period sex is gross, keep it in your menstrual cup, you fucking hippy dyke bitch.

I am – Carmit Bachar Naked May 11th, 2006