I am – Cameron Diaz's Mom's Teeth of the Day

No one talks about Cameron Diaz anymore. So I am not going to either. Because I hate this cunt more than I hate myself, and according to Oprah, that’s a lot. I am going to talk about her mom and the fact that her teeth are fucking retarded. You would think that her cunt of a daughter would have the decency to buy her a new set of teeth. I watch Extreme Makeover, or watched it when I could afford cable, and I have seen the wonders they can do to a set of teeth. I know Cameron is pretty useless, but that Charlie Angel’s shit had to have made her enough coin to afford the procedure. I am not an authority on dental hygiene, I have gone months without brushing, I have gone years without seeing a dentist, I have chewed on pieced on pebbles just to see what happens. I also had a bit of a Meth problem a few years ago and that shit rots out teeth…so this mouth is one that you’d probably avoid if you saw it walking down the street, a lot like Cameron Diaz’s moms’, and by Cameron Diaz’s Mom I mean Toni Collette.

I am – Cameron Diaz's Mom's Teeth of the Day May 12th, 2006