I am – Sex Scandal of the Day

So the story is that this girl banged her teacher and her boyfriend in a hotel room, the pictures got released to a bunch of her friends on Orkut and it started a crazy riot that involved police cars and tear gas. Now I can’t read portuguese, hell I can’t read period, so I don’t know what the fuckin’ story is, but here’s the email that came in with the lead.

She is a collage girl that go to fuck with her teacher/s, well in the

collage everybody find the pics and she have to wait to the police to go

out from college

If that made any more sense to you than it did to me, feel free to send the info my way, in the meantime check out the pics that surfaced on the internet and caused this ordeal. On a side not, I fucking love digital cameras, without them I wouldn’t get to see average everyday girls get slammed and that is really all I live for.

To see dirty pics click this link

Watch out there’s penis in the pictures and that may be not safe for work for you, even though everyone in your office has had sex at least once in their life, even the guy you think is a virgin in accounting has probably had his dick in some kind of pussy. Point is that all this censorship and rules and NSFW bullshit can suck my fucking dick, like this brazilian whore sucked these 2 dicks.

To read a couple articles on the scandal in Portuguese Click Here and Here

Thanks Chocolim.

I am – Sex Scandal of the Day May 16th, 2006