I am – Tara Reid is a Drunken College Girl 10 Years Later

I was one of those guys who never went to college. i don’t even think I finished highschool, but I would never admit that because I bought a GED off the internet so that I could apply for amazing jobs at the local Wal Mart. I want to let everyone know that me not finishing my GED had nothing to do with being Mexican, a lot of new readers haven’t read my memoir, and by memoir I mean archive of posts, because anyone who has would know I was taken out of Mexico when I was really young, and I was raised by psycho bible thumping white ppl from Texas. So stop sending the hate mail in. Anyway, throughout my 20s I was always at the college bars, because beer was cheap, girls were hot and easy and I liked pretending I was on the Football team while doing bump of crystal off their tits. Point of the story is that most girls fall out of that scene by the time they are 23. They go on to live normal lives and forget the herpe inducing drunken and high raw dog sessions that took place in the bathroom off the bar. Tara Reid is one of those girls who hasn’t moved on and her face looks like it has been shit on.

I am – Tara Reid is a Drunken College Girl 10 Years Later May 24th, 2006