I am – in Love with Stella Keitel of the Day

I was watching THE VIEW and had to listen to LORRAINE BRACCO, the bitch from Goodfellas/Sopranos talk about her failed marriage to HARVEY KEITEL and how they went through some horrible divorce. KEITEL also tried to get custody of their daughter and after seeing these pics of her, I realize why. If I was her dad, I would want my hand in raising her, and by raise her I mean have sex with her, only because I am in love with Stella Keitel.

Yes that was an incest joke you motherfucker. I don’t have kids so talking about fucking my daughter is like talking about fucking the hot bitch who works at the movie theatre. It’s not like I can afford to go to the fucking movies, but I like to pretend there is a hot bitch who works there. So fuck off.

I know that’s the fat kid from the Sopranos, I don’t need you pointing it out in the comments like I overlooked the shit. Thanks in advance you fuckin cunt.

That was fun to write.

I am – in Love with Stella Keitel of the Day June 7th, 2006